Design 'Menu'
I. Graphics
Timeline Infographic
Process Infographic
Informational Infographic
Map Infographic
List Infographic
Data Visualization Infographic
Comparison Infographic
Flowchart Infographic
Things Required:
Information for graphic
Any specific branding requirements? If yes, provide.
Where are all the places that it will appear?
Style of graphic (optional: but an example is always helpful). Example: Bar graph
II. Videos
Starting from scratch, creating videos from an outline and a script.
- Animated Explainers
Text and Animated Infographics
2D Animated Explainers
(Limited) 3D Animated Explainers
(Limited) Whiteboard Explainers
- Character Animator Talking Heads
Things Required:
Specific branding requirements.
Explanation of what the student should come away with?
Style of Video (optional: but an example is always helpful)
III. Video Cleanup
Color and audio grading
Video Retouching
Make more 'Dynamic'
Add visual effects
Cut up and make faster paced
Things Required:
Original Video file
Desired Edits
Desired length
Description of what must be kept, and what is optional.
IV. Image Editing
Starting from scratch, creating videos from an outline and a script
Color Correct
Text and graphic additions
Remove Blemishes
Things Required:
The original image
Description of what needs completed
V. Animated GIFs
Whether it is for s a step-by-step, and each step is a different gif sequence, or its for one specific learning concept.
Uses are to:
Demonstrate a process
Give a comparison
Answering a specific question
Things Required:
Graphics/Illustration that you want created into an animated gif.
Section of video you want made into a gif.
VI. Document Design
This is to help make a document more engaging and consistent in branding
Downloadable tools (ie. a list of definitions).
Study guides
other resources
Things Required:
Original PDF
Description of information that is required to be in, or out from original document.
Use and location of PDF material
VII. Course Specific Branding Elements
Backgrounds to videos
Intro Video
South Color focus. (ie focus on blues)
Graphic template (ie venn diagram template)
Things Required:
List of items
Uses case for each one
VIII. South General Branding Elements
These are things that could be used in all courses, and perhaps even all South initiatives.
Backgrounds for Videos
Styles of graphics
Character Animator Character
Intro videos
Styles of animation
Storyline templates